New Logo
After nine years with the same logo, I've decided to refresh our brand with a new logo. If you've navigated to this page, you've already seen it in the upper lefthand corner. Here it is:
If you're interested in the process it took to get here, please click to read the rest of this post.
Because our catalog has expanded so much over the years and we now sell a lot of lighting that does not feature crystal, I felt that we had outgrown our crystal logo, and for some time I'd been looking for inspiration. For those of you new to our brand, here is what the logo used to look like:

Over the summer I was turned onto an IPhone photo filter app called Prisma. It takes photos and stylizes them artistically. To test it out, I input a product photo of one of our most popular fixtures, The Tribeca 9-Bulb Compact Pendant, which looks like this: